Beyond a Tragedy

Beyond a Tragedy

Death is a tragedy, but also a natural phenomenon that we have learned to embrace. However an abrubt death, whether due to an accident or an illness, is something we, as a species, will never be prepared to bear with. In our line of work such cases of sudden and...


Antlink Repatriation Team is attending FIAT-IFTA 2024 Convention (International Federation of Thanatologists Association) in Krakow, Poland that takes place between 18-20 September 2024. 300 Professionals from 52 countries are attending. During the course of the...
Fresh and Eager

Fresh and Eager

A new year is here, so are its crucial tasks to renew the international connections and make the name of Antlink stay relevant for the future. Antlink was represented in the ITB Convention in Berlin that took place between 5-7 March, and the UNIGLOBAL Convention in...